When you are starting a new business or even a new line of business, it is helpful to go through this exercise below. We have put together a list of ten questions to ask to assist you in defining your brand and coming up with a brand name that resonates deeply with you and your customers, and stands the test of time. See Key Considerations When Choosing a Brand Name.
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What do you want this name to achieve for you?
Please keep in mind that any brand name should be broad enough for you to grow — whether across product/service lines or locations.
Do you have any distinctive products and or services that really distinguish your brand?
Define your brand positioning and value proposition.
What are the words you want to associate with your brand? What words come to mind instantly?
Let’s dig in deeper. What else?
How would you explain your business idea to a 5-year-old?
How do you keep their interest? This helps distill it down to the core essence.
Dig deeper.
What common words do you use?
What not so common words do you use that are targeted to this audience?
Examples for a fitness brand could include:
• high-quality
• energetic
• driven
• athletic
• winning
• growth-oriented
• sustainable design
What five words best describe the tone of your business?
What kind of analogy would you use for describing your company?
We are the “uber of healthcare”
This can also help with taglines and creating a story behind the brand.
Why is this business important to you personally?
Do you have a key experience we can draw from that motivated you to start this?
How do you want your employees to feel after hearing the name?
How would you describe your business to your target audience? Who is your target audience? Include details such as age range, location, other interests, education, employment, and lifestyle.
The more we can know about your audience, the more we can understand how they think and what is appealing and captures their interest instantly.
What problems are you solving for your audience?
Define solutions in one to two sentences clearly. What problem, what solution.
What do you want people to associate INSTANTLY with your business?
Do you have a key feature, product, service or phrase?
Choose a brand name that is easy to spell and pronounce. You will also want to find a suitable domain that matches or mirrors the chosen brand name.
It is advisable to eventually trademark your work. You can use free resources such as Trademarkia or USPTO to run a cursory search the see if the name is already in use.
Naming a business can be one of the most satisfying elements when you first start your business and as you grow. You have created something new, and now it is defined!
Get in touch with us and let us know how we can assist you in defining your brand in your business journey.